Code | Description |
400 | Various errors: the specific error is provided in the message field of the response |
401 | Token is invalid |
401 | You must authenticate to perform this request. |
404 | The requested resource was not found. |
curl -X "GET" "" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "Authorization: Basic YOURTOKEN" \ -H "Accept: application/json" Response : { "id": "ssh_d21049fd3b45f5172dfa5d787ba9d05a", "filename": "test.json", "md5": "1837f0fd18804d4d2840193ee5f2e4b6", "upload_date": "2015-02-17T11:42:15+01:00", "length": 7, "version": "1.0", "namespace": "testnamespace", "content": "cmVxdWlyZSAiY291Y2hiYXNlIgpkYiA9IENvdWNoYmFzZS5jb25uZWN0KDpub2RlX2xpc3QgPT4gWydiMzAuY2xvdWRjb25uZWN0LmlvOjgwOTEnXSwgOmJ1Y2tldCA9PiAid2ViZGVtbyIsIDpxdWlldCA9PiB0cnVlLCA6dXNlcm5hbWUgPT4gJ3dlYmRlbW8nLCA6cGFzc3dvcmQgPT4gJ3dlYmRlbW9tZGknKQoKY2Jfa2V5ID0gIjM1MTczMjA1MjQ3NjMxNyIKcmVzdWx0ID0gZGIuZ2V0KGNiX2tleSkKcHV0cyByZXN1bHQKCmV4aXQoMCkK" }
Param name | Description |
_token required |
id required |
Unique ID of your file save on the server Validations:
content optional |
[default : ‘none’] optional parameter if you want the content of the file in ‘text’ or ‘binary’ (base64 encoded) Validations: