Code | Description |
401 | Token is invalid |
401 | You must authenticate to perform this request. |
404 | The requested resource was not found. |
GET '/api/v2/os/versions': [ { "from_os": " Munic Box 2 v3.04027801", "from_os_version_id": 42, "to_os": " Munic Box 2 v3.04027802", "to_os_version_id": 44 }, { "from_os": " Munic Box 2 v3.0402", "from_os_version_id": 33, "to_os": " Munic Box 2 v3.04027", "from_os_version_id": 40 } ]
Param name | Description |
_token required |
Code | Description |
401 | Token is invalid |
401 | You must authenticate to perform this request. |
404 | The requested resource was not found. |
GET '/api/v2/os/versions': [ { "id": 94, "name": " v2.1" }, { "id": 93, "name": " v2.0" } ]
Param name | Description |
_token required |
Code | Description |
401 | Token is invalid |
401 | You must authenticate to perform this request. |
404 | The requested resource was not found. |
GET '/api/v2/os/versions/94': { "id": 94, "name": " v2.1", "default_configuration": { "speed_provider": "obd", "monitored_over_speed": "true", "monitored_over_rpm": "true", "monitored_idling_state": "true", "monitored_tow_away_state": "true", "monitored_low_external_battery": "true", "monitored_malfunction_indicator_lamp": "true", "monitored_dtc_number": "true", "over_rpm_threshold": "3000", "power_delta_voltage_threshold": "1000", "idle_movement_timeout": 5, "overspeed_threshold": "110", "overspeed_duration_threshold": 5, "overspeed_reset_threshold": 5, "low_battery_threshold": "12000" }, "validations": { "speed_provider": "Speed Provider : must be String, must be in [\"gps\", \"obd\"]", "monitored_over_speed": "Event Over Speed : must be Boolean", "monitored_over_rpm": "Event Over Rpm : must be Boolean", "monitored_idling_state": "Event Idling state : must be Boolean", "monitored_tow_away_state": "Event Tow away state : must be Boolean", "monitored_low_external_battery": "Event Low external battery : must be Boolean", "monitored_malfunction_indicator_lamp": "Event Malfunction Indicator Lamp : must be Boolean", "monitored_dtc_number": "Event DTC number : must be Boolean", "over_rpm_threshold": "Over Rpm Threshold : must be Integer, greater than 0", "power_delta_voltage_threshold": "Delta voltage threshold (in mV) : must be Integer, greater than 100", "idle_movement_timeout": "Idle Movement Timeout (in min) : must be Integer, must be in [\"5\", \"6\", \"7\", \"8\", \"9\", \"10\"]", "overspeed_threshold": "Overspeed threshold (km/h) : must be Integer, must be in [\"100\", \"105\", \"110\", \"115\", \"120\", \"125\", \"130\"]", "overspeed_duration_threshold": "Overspeed duration threshold (second) : must be Integer, must be in [\"5\", \"6\", \"7\", \"8\", \"9\", \"10\"]", "overspeed_reset_threshold": "Overspeed reset threshold (second) : must be Integer, must be in [\"5\", \"6\", \"7\", \"8\", \"9\", \"10\"]", "low_battery_threshold": "Low Battery threshold (mV) : must be Integer, greater than 0" } }
Param name | Description |
_token required |
Code | Description |
401 | Token is invalid |
401 | You must authenticate to perform this request. |
404 | The requested resource was not found. |
GET '/api/v2/modules/versions': [ { "id": 95, "name": "Ecologic v1.0" }, { "id": 39, "name": "0 - Data recorded upon journey event v1.0" }, { "id": 49, "name": "0 - Power management v1.0" } ]
Param name | Description |
_token required |
Code | Description |
401 | Token is invalid |
401 | You must authenticate to perform this request. |
404 | The requested resource was not found. |
GET '/api/v2/modules/versions/95': { "id": 95, "name": "Ecologic v1.0", "default_configuration": { "over_rpm_threshold": "3000", "over_speed_threshold": "110", "engine_displacement": "1200", "volume_efficiency": "70", "engine_type": "Gasoline" }, "validations": { "over_rpm_threshold": "Over rpm threshold : must be Integer", "over_speed_threshold": "Over speed threshold : must be Integer", "engine_displacement": "Engine displacement : must be Integer", "volume_efficiency": "Volume efficiency : must be Integer", "engine_type": "Engine Type : must be String, must be in [\"Diesel\", \"Gasoline\", \"Hybrid\"]" } }
Param name | Description |
_token required |
Code | Description |
401 | Token is invalid |
401 | You must authenticate to perform this request. |
404 | The requested resource was not found. |
POST '/api/v2/modules/versions/95/messages': { "targeted_assets": [ "351732XXXXX95", "351732057XXXX8" ], "targeted_assets_group_ids" : [ 1, 2 ] "messages": [ "{ \"key\": \"myvalue\" }" ] }
Param name | Description |
_token required |
Code | Description |
401 | Token is invalid |
401 | You must authenticate to perform this request. |
404 | The requested resource was not found. |
Param name | Description |
_token required |
don’t set content type for this api
Code | Description |
401 | Token is invalid |
401 | You must authenticate to perform this request. |
404 | The requested resource was not found. |
curl -X "POST" '/api/v2/modules/versions/98/remote_file' -H "filename" : "myfile.json" \ -H "version" : 1.0 \ -H "remote_file_id" : 42 \ -H "targeted_assets": [ "351732XXXXX95", "351732057XXXX8" ] \ -H "targeted_assets_group_ids" : [ 1, 2 ] \ -H "content_file": "XXXXXX" \ -H "configuration": "{ \"param1\" : \"value1\", \"param2\" : \"value2\" }"
Param name | Description |
_token required |
remote_file_id optional |
Use an existing file (already push previously) Validations:
filename required |
Name of the file Validations:
version required |
Version Validations:
content_file optional |
Content of the file Validations:
configuration optional |
Specific configuration that you want apply in the same time Validations:
targeted_assets optional |
List of assets that you allow to download the file. It’s possible the push first the file and after that allow asset on specific remote file id Validations: