Code | Description |
401 | Token is invalid |
401 | You must authenticate to perform this request. |
404 | The requested resource was not found. |
411 | If this error occurs, either provide the `Content-type: 0` header or provide an empty data field (`{}` for example). |
PUT '/api/v2/configurations/410' -d { "name" : "new name" } : { "id":410, "name":"new name (Os v2.1)", "version":" v2.1", "description":"", "configuration": { "speed_provider":"gps", "monitored_over_speed":"true", "monitored_over_rpm":"true", "monitored_idling_state":"true", "monitored_tow_away_state":"true", "monitored_low_external_battery":"true", "monitored_malfunction_indicator_lamp":"true", "monitored_dtc_number":"true", "over_rpm_threshold":"1500", "power_delta_voltage_threshold":"1500", "idle_movement_timeout":"10", "overspeed_threshold":"115", "overspeed_duration_threshold":"7", "overspeed_reset_threshold":"10", "low_battery_threshold":"11000" } }
Param name | Description |
_token required |
name optional |
The name for the configuration Validations:
data optional |
Parameters for the configuration. Available parameters can be obtained using the versions api Validations: